Training / Dummies / For launchers

Dummy for launcher - Greenwing Teal
Dummy for launcher. It enables your dog to get used to the shape of a real bird during training for work, test and trial.
615.20 kr
RRT Dummy for launcher Duck - black/white
Dummy for launcher. It enables your dog to get used to the shape of a real bird during training for work, test and trial.
359.20 kr
RRT Dummy for launcher Duck- brown
Dummy for launcher. It enables your dog to get used to the shape of a real bird during training for work, test and trial.
359.20 kr
Pheasant Launcher Dummy
Add Game Bird realism to your training with next generation training dummy with a realistic photographic 3D pattern of real feathers in HD print. 
295.20 kr
Pheasant Launcher Dummy
Add Game Bird realism to your training with next generation training dummy with a realistic photographic 3D pattern of real feathers in HD print. 
295.20 kr
Dummy Canvas for launcher - rabbit
Dummy covered in rabbit skin for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.  Scent can be applied.
335.20 kr
Launcher Ball - white
Launcher dummy, perfect for marking training as well as when training your dog to follow tracks. Made of durable PVC material.
383.20 kr
Launcher Ball - red
Launcher dummy, perfect for marking training as well as when training your dog to follow tracks. Made of durable PVC material.
383.20 kr
RRT Dummy PVC for launcher  black/white
Dummy for launcher. The shape and size allows it to go further than dummies in canvas.
311.20 kr
RRT Dummy PVC for launcher with streamer -  red
Dummy for launcher with streamer. The shape and size allows it to go further than dummies in canvas.
303.20 kr
RRT Dummy PVC for launcher -  white
Dummy for launcher. The shape and size allows it to go further than dummies in canvas.
295.20 kr
RRT Dummy PVC for launcher - red
Dummy for launcher. The shape and size allows it to go further than dummies in canvas.
295.20 kr
D.T Systems Super Pro Low Recoil vit
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
383.20 kr
D.T Systems Super Pro Low Recoil orange
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
383.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher - black/white
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
311.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher - camo
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher - white
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher - yellow
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher -  orange
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas  for launcher - red
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher - cerise
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher - green
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher -  navy
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr
RRT Dummy Canvas for launcher - purple
Dummy in canvas for launcher. Can be used for retrieving both on land and in water.
287.20 kr