Here you will find the most frequently asked questions and answers. If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us and we would do our utmost to help you.
How do I buy from the web shop?
You can choose to sign up an account in your name with necessary details or buy directly. Have you decided to register for an account, you can log in the web shop and place your order.
The advantage of having a registered account is that you at anytime can see your past purchases, add desired products to your wishlist for future ordering. You don´t have to fill in your address information at recurring purchase.
Choose the products you wish to purchase and place them in the customer basket. You can add, change or remove items from the basket at any time. When you have finished shopping move on to "proceed to checkout", follow the instructions and choose your method of payment. Complete your order.
I forgot my password.
If you forget your password, just click on "Sign In" and then on the "Forgot Password" and we'll send you an e-mail with information on how to reset your password.
Is there a minimum order amount?
No, we process all orders regardless of amount.
How do I pay?
For our Swedish customers:
All orders require payment in Swedish currency. We use Klarna as a supplier of our cash.
If you pay by credit card through our payment service the information exchange between our payment service and your computer will be coded.
This protects your information and making it inaccessible to unauthorised persons.
For our foreign costumers:
All orders require payment in advance in Swedish currency. You pay your order by credit card.
If you pay by credit card through our payment service, the information exchange between our payment service and your computer will be coded. This protects your information and making it inaccessible to unauthorised persons.
During fairs and other events, the office is closed, and delivery times can be delayed slightly. Information about exhibitions and events can be found under "PAW on Tour".
How much is the freight cost?
All freight costs are paid by the customer.
What is PAW of Sweden´s Newsletter?
PAW of Sweden wants to give it´s regular and loyal customers who appreciate our products "that little extra". Sign up for our "Newsletter" and you will automatically take advantage of our great deals and news "first of all".